Confession Against the “Spirit Husband”

October 18, 2023

I (put your name) am a property of Jesus Christ; I am bought at the price of His precious shed-blood (1 Cor. 6: 207: 23). He is my Savior, my only Savior; my one and only Lord, Master, and all in all. I am crucified with Christ and I no longer live, the life I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me (Gal 2: 20). I stand on the Word of God; I stand in the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ and thrive on it. The tender mercies of God is the crown that adorns my head (Ps 103: 4). I stand in my inheritance in Christ (Acts 20: 3226: 18).

My life is preserved, protected, and hidden in Christ (Col. 3: 1-3). I am seated in Christ at the righthand of the Lord Most High; far above all principalities and powers, and every name that is named (Eph. 1: 21-23). From this vantage position as a heir of God and joint heir with Christ (Rom. 8: 17), I am now speaking. I speak as one that is one spirit with the Lord (1 Cor. 6: 17) and as a partaker of His divine nature (2 Pet. 1: 4). I stand in my authority in Christ as the one holding forth for Christ on earth till He returns (John 20: 21). I decree and I declare that there is absolutely no power of Satan over me (Col. 2: 15). Therefore, I speak in His name, the almighty name of Jesus Christ that is all powerful in heaven, on earth, and in hell (Phil. 2: 8-10).

The devil is my footstool and I hereby spit on his face (Luke 10: 18-20). I refute the devil, I denounce him, renounce him, reject him absolutely and will never recognize him. He is filthy and stinking; I have nothing to do with him as light has nothing to do with darkness. I break the power of Satan over my mind; I do not permit him to speak to me, touch me in anyway or come near me. I destroy the power of Satan over my spirit and body; I am the Temple of the Holy Spirit 1 Cor. 6: 19). I am a Prince/Princess of the Kingdom of God ably defined as “Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14: 17).” Therefore, the righteousness of Christ is mine, the inexhaustible peace of God is my right, and the amazing joy of the Holy Spirit is my benefit. I do not stand in my own righteousness; I have none. I do not earn my peace; Jesus Christ my Savior paid for it.

The joy of the Holy Spirit flows in me by grace; it is independent from my circumstances. Therefore, I rebuke you Satan; depart from me! You cannot and will not disinherit me from my rights in the Kingdom of God, my Father. I am standing in the righteousness of Christ; you have no basis to accuse me. The peace of God in my life is Christ’s promise faithfully kept; you will not rob me of it as my Savior does not eat His words. The joy of the Holy Spirit is a river that flows from my belly; you are incompetent to stop it.

I confess, affirm, and declare: my rights as a beloved Son/daughter of God cannot be threatened. I know you are a thief, a murderer, and a destroyer but I am not your prey (John 10: 10). I am a victor and more than a Conqueror (Rom. 8: 37); I am light and you are darkness. My ungodly past and ancestry are the reasons I need a savior and I have the Savior—the Lord Jesus Christ. I am a wild olive branch cut-off and grafted into God’s olive tree; I share in the nourishing sap from the olive root of Abraham. Therefore, I am cut-off and protected from ancestral curses and inherited liabilities Rom. 11: 17-24.

The devil is my footstool; I tread on the lion and the cobra; I trample the great lion and the serpent Ps 91: 13.

It is fruitless to attack me; no weapon forged against me prosper and I am judge over every tongue that accuses me. This is my heritage and vindication as a servant of the Lord from whom my righteousness flows Isa. 54: 17.

I am not ignorant of the devices of Satan; therefore, you, Satan cannot take any advantage of me 2 Cor. 2: 11. I am not ignorant that I, a daughter of Zion, has nothing to do with spirit-husband; according to the word of God. I am a child of God; I don’t accept ancestral covenants or burdens of errors already paid for in full by the finished work of Christ, my beloved Lord and Savior.

Therefore, I renounce you, you foul spirit parading yourself as my spirit-husband. I command you to depart from me because you are under my feet and eternally beneath me as a child of God. My life is hidden with Christ; you cannot mess with it. You do not have my permission to touch me in anyway or do anything about me. I decree and I declare that you get away from me permanently forever; in Jesus’ almighty name.


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