October 18, 2023

The world has two types of human beings: the divergent and the convergent. The divergent ones have a very low level of concentration as their minds wander a lot; and could at times be present in a meeting as if not. The convergent however has a high level of concentration and has produced most of the world geniuses.

Meditation therefore is the practice of convergency or acquisition of concentrated thinking; where forgetting everything around, you zero in on something – in this case on God and His word. Meditation is a God-given gift to link your mind with the Holy Spirit (or Satan depending on whom you meditate on).

The scriptures are full of examples of Holy men and women who meditated on God; in fact without meditation, worships, praises and even prayers are mere religious rituals.  Unfortunately, meditation has been hijacked by the occult when the church went to sleep. (Gen.11 Vs 6)

  • Read Mk.11 Vs 23,24; Matt 21 Vs 21-22; Gen. 24 Vs 4, 62-67; Dan.9 Vs 1-4; Neh.1 Vs 1-4; James 5 Vs 16; II Sam.7 Vs 27; Ps.63 Vs 1,2
  • What relationship exists between meditation and effective prayer? Conceive.
  • What then can you say about a prayer that is devoid of meditation?
  • How can you relate the law of conceiving and birth to prayer? (James 1 Vs 15).

(A prayer that lacks meditation is a mere babbling. Meditation makes prayer a dialogue between God and man)

  • Read Ps.63 Vs 3-6; 143 Vs 5; 104 Vs 34; John 4 Vs 21-24; Phil.3 Vs 3
  • What can you call a praise and worship that lack meditation?
  • What does it mean to worship God in spirit?
  • Can you worship God in spirit but not in truth?
  • Can you worship God in truth but not in Spirit?

(Any worship or praise that lacks meditation is but a mere entertainment and lip service to God)

  • Read Ps.19 Vs 14; 49 Vs 3; 63 Vs 6; Isa.26 Vs 3, 4; Prov.4 Vs 23; Matt.12 Vs 34; Luke 6 Vs 45; Acts 5 Vs 1-11; Gen.19 Vs 23-26.
  • What is the actual sin of Lot’s wife?
  • What is the sin of Ananias and Sapphira?
  • Why must we remember Lot’s wife (Luke 17 Vs 32)?
  • Why is the meditation of your heart important?
  • How can you keep your heart?

(It is in the heart-meditation that motives are brewed, and this shows respect or lack of it for God and His word. Willful actions against God’s word are only pardonable by grace).

  • Read Josh.1 Vs 8; Deut.17 Vs 14-20; Rom.12 Vs 2; Ps.119 Vs 11.
  • What is the difference between this type of meditation and heart – meditation?
  • What is the relationship between this meditation and power?

(This is the ultimate meditation; if you fail here, you will fail elsewhere. Failure here is one reason for lack of revival)

  • Read Gen.2-6Isa.6 Vs 6 Vs 1-9, Jer.1 Vs 4-12; Exo.4 Vs 1-9
  • Why do you think God speaks to us by way of visions?
  • Why did God make Abram to count the stars?
  • What happens if you forget God’s promises?
  • Read II Kings 1 Vs 9; I Kings 19 Vs 11-13; Gen.24 Vs 63, Isa.30 Vs 15; Ps.63 Vs 1; Matt. 14 Vs 22, 23; Luke 6 Vs 12
  • What made the Lord Jesus Christ and Elijah pray on a mountain?
  • Why did Isaac have to meditate on the field?
  • Since we now worship God in the Spirit, Is there any need for special places like mountains etc for prayers?
  • What is the need for quietness in meditation?
  • What is the need for quiet time?


No true Christian can abuse meditation. One big reason Christians become worldly is their lack of meditation in the word of God. May you not be guilty of the same.


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