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Missions Aid Network is a registered charity in the USA, Canada, Ireland, and Nigeria. Headquartered in Rochester, Minnesota, USA, it’s an umbrella organization that networks God’s resources across the Body of Christ to advance world evangelization and Christian welfare worldwide.

The Network is a provider of whole support services for the church, seminaries & Mission agencies. We provide all ecumenical services that include teaching, training, Prayers, logistic and material supports, consultancy services, etc, for church growth and World Missions.

In pursuit of our purpose, we conduct Prophetic Prayer Conferences, Prophetic School Conferences, Miracle/Deliverance services, evangelistic Campaigns; we run mobile schools with courses on missions/evangelism, leadership training, family wisdom, prayers/healing, good success motivation & ministry gifts.

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Missions Aid Network

  • Networking all of God's resources for the advancement of his kingdom on earth.
  • A coalition of God's people for the enthronement of God's kingdom everywhere.
  • Association of all believers of Psalms 119:63 variety
  • Planting God's will, where, when, and how He wants it.
  • Releasing believers into their inheritance in Christ.
  • Enthroning Christ in people's lives everywhere

Activities include:

  • Prophetic Prayer Conferences worldwide.
  • Relief & Empowerment Programs.
  • Evangelistic Campaigns.
  • Deliverance & Miracle Services.
  • "Wholistic" Bible Teachings.