October 18, 2023


Evangelism is the greatest business in the world.  Every other business, profession or vocation a Christian engages in must add up to evangelism else, it doesn’t have any eternity value.  Christ came to seek and die for sinners and accomplished this gloriously.  He left His followers behind for the only purpose of evangelism.  His last word of commission to them and us is, “tell the whole world about me, occupy till I come.”  (Luke 19 verse 13).  He forbids us from being ashamed of Him; you are either for Him or against Him  (Luke 9 verse 26).  Nothing you can do that pleases God more than winning souls for Christ and God’s greatest treasure is the people and no matter how bad they are, He longs to have them back from the devil.

  1. What is Evangelism?
  • Read John 3 verse 16; Luke 24 verse 47, 48; Acts 3 verse 19-21; 4 verse 5 – 13 Rom 1 verse 15-18, I Cor. 1 verse 18-29,
  • When can a man be said to be evangelised?
  • Why must we evangelise the people?
  • Give the summary of the gospel message?
  • Are there rewards tor evangelising?
  • Why don’t people respond well to the gospel?
  1. Your Role in Evangelism
  • Read Rom.1 verse 14-17; I Cor. 9 verse 16-23; Rom.10 verse 9-15; I Cor.16 verse 15; Act 17 verse 16-23; Luke 9 verse 23-26
  • What is the importance of words in evangelism?
  • What is the importance of your life style in evangelism?
  • Why must you preach Christ?
  • Who is a witness?
  • Give reasons Christians don’t preach Christ
  • Give some ways we can evangelise the people
  • What is the importance of follow-up and visitation?
  • Are there punishments for refusal to evangelize?

The bulk of the New Testament were products of the Aposltes’ follow-up efforts in evangelism

  1. The Awful End of Sinners
  • Read 1 John 3 verse 8; Rev. 20: verse 11-15; 21 verse  6-8; Luke 13 verse 24-28.
  • Why would sinners go to hell?
  • Why is Satan so much against mankind?
  • Read John 1 verse 12, Acts 17 verse 30, Luke 15 verse 7
  • Between God’s mercy and justice, which one is greater?
  1. Holy Spirit and Evangelism
  • Read John 16 verse 7-9, 15 verse 26, 27; Luke 24 verse 49, Acts 1 verse 8, Mk.16 verse 20
  • Why is the role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism?
  • How can we link up with Him in Evangelism?
  • Will everyone then accept Christ?


Evangelism is the greatest love you can show to man and the greatest respect you can have for God today.  Evangelism goes beyond words.  It must be our life style.


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