Prayer Request

The Body of Christ operates like the human body where every part depends on others and no part is sufficient by itself. Nobody can operate alone and it’s unwise to fight life battles alone. So, Apostle Paul asked the Brethren to pray for him. Again, no single person had all the answers to your problems.

God has organized the Church such that we need one another. We like you to know that you’re not alone; we are a community of Believers who care and want to pray for you! Please, feel free to share your prayer points.

Please fill the form below the Rev. will make a special prayer for You!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Victor R Price

I need my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, to touch and agree with me in prayer. I need a breakthrough in my health, finances, and relationships. I've been through a 16 year storm that's still trending. I've been fighting for a long time now and I need help. I have no Christians Family or friends in my life. They all walked away, and left me standing alone over rumors and lies. God revealed the truth and they shunned me even more, because of guilt and shame. They found out they were wrong and now they can't face me. Which still leaves me alone and struggling to survive. I know I need some Believers to come together by faith and pray on my behalf before I will see a change for the better in my life. If only 2 or 3 come together touching and agreeing, Jesus said He would be in the mist.Thank you in advance for your prayers and support. God bless you, your ministry, family, and your walk in Jesus Christ our Lord, and Savior. Amen.

Received: May 17, 2024