Prayer Request

The Body of Christ operates like the human body where every part depends on others and no part is sufficient by itself. Nobody can operate alone and it’s unwise to fight life battles alone. So, Apostle Paul asked the Brethren to pray for him. Again, no single person had all the answers to your problems.

God has organized the Church such that we need one another. We like you to know that you’re not alone; we are a community of Believers who care and want to pray for you! Please, feel free to share your prayer points.

Please fill the form below the Rev. will make a special prayer for You!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Greetings brethrens around the world. Please pray for me. I want God to open up my spiritual eyes. Bless me with money. I try hard even apply for jobs. I want God to hear my crying and prayers bless my hands and hustle. Money on my bank account 3 of them. I want to start afresh. I want my blessings back to me, my angel and grace that was stolen in Jesus name. Fight like Jacob for my blessings. Pray for zukisa to get R10000 and me R1million. For Sipho to remove love portion and curses from him and Mfundiso. Lona lompayi and Anita must go to cape town or afe. I was born to be rich but my glory is stolen. Want it back and stolen good of mine.

Received: June 10, 2024