Prophet's Activation School

We read of the sons of the prophet (2Kings 2:7), how the Spirit of God began to stir Samson (Judges 13:24-25), and admonition to judge prophecies (1Cor. 14:29-32) in the Holy Bible. The most regulated ministry in the Holy Bible is the prophets.

The prophet’s ministry requires wisdom, tough skin, and understanding both God and human beings. Many prophets were killed in the Bible and no other ministry is more persecuted today, even in the church.

In the “Prophets Activation School,” we teach and share experiences on all the intricacies of the prophet’s ministry, including how to receive from the Lord, avoid wrong interpretation & disunity, deliver the message with tact and without fear, how to judge prophecies, etc. More importantly, you have the opportunity to practice with fellow ministers to receive impartation, gain confidence, experience, and grow in the gift.

Please fill the form below in preparation to be Activated!