Perhaps you have noticed a negative shift in the church today:

Teachings are motivational and not doctrinal. Ministrations are engaging, scientific, sophisticated, and entertaining but lack the power of God and eternity values. Born-Again churches have abandoned the whys for hows to the point that it is difficult to identify the so-called Evangelical, Pentecostal, and Charismatic churches today based on doctrines.

The End-Time churches are Sociological and not THEOLOGICAL

Believers today like to quote the catchphrases of their pastors rather than the Holy Word of God; again, most Christians nowadays know little or nothing about “The blessed hope” of our Lord’s return or the coming millennium of Christ’s rule or, in fact, God’s future plan for His kingdom. This results in a widening gap between the Word of God and church practices today.

However, our Bible school is not programmed to correct these anomalies but to help you discover Biblical truth. We believe that fakery is mutational, but the truth is constant. Since there are numerous fakery and different strains of falsehood, the only sure way of identifying lies is to know the truth very well.

Our curriculum comprises simple topics that sum up compulsory knowledge of the Word of God.

Each course is given out as research to the students on which a paper must be written and debated. At the end of the course, a Believer could explain the Word of God “wholistically” and in-depth. At the same time, the Minister would be versatile in the work of the ministry, in building Believers and making them relevant to society for the uplift of our Lord Jesus Christ alone. The school thrives on the leading of the Holy Spirit, hybridization, and cross-fertilization of renewed minds as well as fellowship with the people of God; therefore, it cherishes feedback from its graduates for a lifetime relationship.

Each student’s projectile and course duration differs as the school allows for individual speed and availability; however, the standard term is one year. To remain in school, each student must complete at least one monthly course. You can do this course online or through attendance which is not restricted to one place.

For more information and enrolment, please