October 18, 2023


There are two spiritual kingdoms: God’s kingdom and Satan’s kingdom. Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscience, all wise and all knowing, God created all things and He has the power of an endless life. Satan’s kingdom started when he, then Lucifer, led a rebellion in heaven against God. One third of the angels followed him and were all cast down to the earth.  But Satan and his angels are creatures and as such limited in every sense. These two kingdoms are irreconcilable and hostile to each other. The first person ever to have problem is God himself. The first place sin took place was heaven. Thus this is a lesson for us: Every living thing has problems. You like God only need to overcome always (Rev.12 Vs 3, 4; Ps.62 Vs 11).

  1. Satan’s kingdom
  •          Read Eph.6 Vs 11-12; Isa.14 Vs 12-15, Job 1 Vs 6-7
  •         What are the hierarchies in this kingdom?
  •         How can you relate their names to their functions?
  •         Apart from by birth how do you become a citizen of this kingdom? (Rom.6 Vs 16)
  •         Why are human beings rebellious by nature?
  •         Why do you think Satan hates human beings? (Gen. 1 Vs 26-28)
  •         Name some characteristics of the devil?

Disobedience to God is what establishes Satan’s kingdom anywhere it exists including people’s life.

  1. God’s kingdom
  • Read Matt.6 Vs 9-13; Rev.4 Vs 1-11; MK 10 Vs 15; I Cor.6 Vs 9, 10; Gal.5 Vs 19-21; Matt.11 Vs 12; 18 Vs 1-7; Ps.145 Vs 13; James 2 Vs 5; John 4 Vs 23, 24; Isa.6 Vs 1-5; Dan.7 Vs 13, 14, 27
  •    What are the differences between God’s kingdom and Satan’s kingdom?
  •     How do you become a member of this kingdom?
  •     Is there any similarities between God’s kingdom and Satan’s kingdom?
  •     What is in God’s kingdom that Satan cannot counterfeit?

Obedience to God establishes His kingdom in us while disobedience weakens it.

3          Spiritual conflicts

Read Eph.6 Vs 10-12; Rev. 12 Vs 7 -12; 20 Vs 1-3; Jude 2-8I Tim.4 Vs 1-3, II Tim.3 Vs 1-9, 12, 13; Dan. 10 Vs 12, 13, 20; I John 3 Vs 8; Eph.1 Vs 18-23; 3 Vs 7-10; Col.2 Vs 13-15; 1 Vs 12-20

  • What is the difference between a battle and a war?
  • Why are we involved in this conflicts? (Gen. 1 Vs 26-28)
  • Describe the enemy, his potency and his target in this warfare? (John 10 Vs 10)
  • Can the devil withhold answers to our prayers like in the case of Daniel?
  • What is the position of the flesh in spiritual warfare? (Gal.5 Vs 16, 17)

Even every physical warfare has spiritual foundations

  1. Spiritual Weapons

Read II Cor.10 Vs 3-6; Eph.6 Vs 10-18; Rev.12 Vs 11; I Sam.17 Vs 45-51; Dan.3 Vs 16-25; Matt.26 Vs 41

  •   How can you categorize spiritual weapons?
  •   Why are there no weapon of retreat?
  •   Name the weapon that can stop Satan from tempting us?
  •   For each of these weapons, name Satan’s own corresponding weapons? (Isa.54 Vs 17)
  1. Strategies of our Warfare

There are two types of warfare: defensive and offensive warfare. The enemy always wants to push us to the defensive side.

  1. Satan’s strategies always is the use of deceit (bait), fear, temporary pleasures and counterfeiting)
  2. Christians’ strategies is boldness and righteousness (i.e. right standing with the Lord)
  • Read Heb.7 Vs 8-10 and relate it to covenants & deliverance?
  • Why must spiritual things be held sacred?


As long as you are a human being you must fight but since Satan is destined not to win, we cannot lose.


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