October 18, 2023


God has not promised a trouble-free sail through life.  He, however, said that we will have a constant bout with evil but that our victory is guaranteed – as long as we cleave to Him.  We will pass through fire unhurt, go through waters undrown, trample on scorpions unbeaten and no weapon fashioned against us will prosper.

The Lord Jesus Christ demands of us to rejoice at the face of temptations and trials because He has overcome the devil and the world for us.  So, we cannot lose.  To a true Christian therefore, temptations and trials are not negative encounters – because God is always with us.  The summary of His promises sounds like: ‘Your way will be rough but I will be there with you’.  His presence makes the difference.  And in your hour of visitation, may you not be alone, may the Lord be with you.

All the trials a Christian pass through by dint of his faith in God can be divided into two categories:

  • Temptations
  • Persecutions

These duo are the instruments of Satan to fight us before the precious Lord returns.


There are two types of tests: Temptation and Examination.

  1. Temptation:

This is a bait that usually concentrates on the studied weak points or the needs of a person.  Temptation is purely from the devil and never from God.  The tempter’s aim is to catch (i.e. make to sin) and thus steal from or kill or destroy the prey.  The battle ground for temptation is the mind and that is why it must be guided jealously (James 1 Vs 13-16)

  • Read Matt.4 Vs 1-11; James 1 Vs 13-16; I Cor. 10 Vs 11-13; John 8 Vs 3-6; Matt. 22 Vs 15-22; Gen. 3 Vs 3-17
  • Why is it that Satan often uses questions on knowledge to tempt people?
  • State other weapons Satan uses to tempt people?
  • What is lust and how can it aids temptation?
  • Why was Eve deceived when Adam was not (I Tim.2 Vs 13, 14)?
  • Can we avoid temptations?
  1. Examinations

This is a fair test done to ascertain a quality in a person.  God carries out this type of test on His children and approval

Always come with promotion.  The aim is to promote but failure can results into punishment or re-sit.

  • Read Gen.22 Vs 1-3; II Chr.32 Vs 30, 31; Heb.11 Vs 17, I Chr.28 Vs 9; I Kings 8 Vs 39; I Chr.29 Vs 17
  • State the differences between temptation and examination?
  • State their similarities?

There are four steps to overcoming temptations:

  • Rejoicing attitude (James 1 Vs 2, 3)
  • Know the truth (John 8 Vs 32)
  • Be watchful (I Cor. 10 Vs 12, 13)
  • Be prayerful (Matt.26 Vs 41)
  • Read Heb.2 Vs 17, 18; 4 Vs 15,16; Gal.6 Vs 1; I Thes. 3 Vs 5; Matt.6 Vs 13; I Cor. 10 Vs 13; II Peter 2 Vs 9
  • How do you classify Job’s test – temptation or examination?
  • Mention some facts about temptations?
  • Why is it a sin to tempt God? (Matt. 18 Vs 7; I Cor.10 Vs 9; Deut.6 Vs 16; Matt.4 Vs 7)

This is suffering purely for one’s faith in Christ.  Persecution means victimization, tortures, human right abuse at times leading to death for the sake of Christ.  Persecution therefore is not

  • Demonic oppression or obsession
  • Suffering as a law-breaker
  • Suffering as a fool or ignorant
  • Suffering under a curse
  • Political, ideological or suffering of conscience.
  • Read Matt.5 Vs 38-48; Acts 23 Vs 1-5; I peter 1 Vs 6, 7; Acts 8 Vs 1; 11 Vs 19, Matt.5 Vs 10-12; 10 Vs 16-39; John 15 Vs 20, 21; II Tim.3 Vs 12; Rom.8 Vs 35-39
  • Why is persecution numbered among good things for us?
  • Compare persecution with temptation?
  • Is there room for self-defense in persecution?
  • What is ‘turning the other cheek’ and ‘going the extra mile’?
  • Why does God allow His children to experience pain?
  • How do we overcome persecution?
  • How can we avoid persecution?


Temptations and persecutions are never the problem but our attitude to them.  With right attitude to them, they are meant to break and refine us and never to destroy us.  The secret of life is to maintain one’s joy in the Lord.


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