October 18, 2023


The spirit world rules the physical.  Nothing ever happens, good or bad in the physical except it has been first settled in the spiritual.  There is a hot hostility going on non-stop in the spirit world.  As a human being you are involved in this conflicts.  The Lord Jesus Christ has done it such that the dyes are loaded against your enemies, as such nothing will affect you except you and God allow it.  God has placed your destiny in your hands.  Unfortunately, most Christians are so complacent that they resign themselves to unfavourable situations.  Unwilling to fight, they become shock-absorbers.  However, prayer is more than warfare.  It is also a relationship with God.  This makes prayerlessness a rebellion against God and His love.  It is therefore bad not to pray.  It is however worse to pray amiss.  It is our goal in this study to learn the art of prayers.

  • Read Eph. 1 vs. 3; John 15 vs. 5; Ps 100 vs. 4, 5; John 16 vs. 23 – 28; Lk 7 vs. 7 – 12; 15 vs. 11 – 31
  • We can’t be more blessed, but our blessings are kept in the heavenlies where everything is claimed by force. Prayer therefore puts your blessings in your hands.
  • A prayerless Christian is like a root on the rock.
  • Prayer starts and ends with Thanksgiving
  • A prayerless ‘holy saint’ never enjoys his rights.
  • Prayer cannot bribe, extort or manipulate God. You must be holy.
  • Read I John 5 verse 14, 15; II Sam. 7 verse 27 Luke 5 verse 16 Gen. 15 verse 4 – 6; Gen. 13 verse 14-17, Heb. 12 verse 14, Ps. 50 verse 23.
  • State the principles of effective prayers?
  • Why do people fail to ‘withdraw’ like Christ?
  • Relate seeing (vision) to prayer.
  2. Thanksgiving Mal. 2 vs. 1-4 Eph. 5 vs. 20, I Thes. 5 vs. 18
  3. Petition/supplication Isa. 43 vs. 22 -26, Heb 5 vs. 7 – 10
  4. Intercession 1Tim. 2 vs. 1, 2, Eze. 22 vs. 24 – 31, Gen. 18 vs. 17; Dan. 10 verse 12-14
  5. Prayer of Judgement Isa. 54 vs. 17; I Sam. 26 verse 8-11
  6. Prayer of Authority Mk 11 vs. 23; 9 verse 17-20; 25-29
  • Differentiate between these types of prayers.
  • Why is it sinful not to intercede? (I Sam 12 vs. 23)
  • Why is it arrogant not to petition?
  • State the importance of reference making and arguments in prayer?
  • How important is procedure in prayer?
  • Give an example each of people of God who prayed in the Bible?
  1. Tongues (Holy spirit) Jude 20I Cor. 14 vs. 2, 4, 14 – 18 Rom. 8 vs. 26
  2. Words (understanding/mind) I Cor. 14 vs. 15

iii.        Groanings/Tears James 5 vs. 15-16, Exo. 2 vs. 23-25; 6 Vs 1-8, Jude 2 vs. 18,  Ps. 102 vs. 18-21

  • Which mode is the most potent in warfare?
  • which mode is the best in Thanksgiving?
  • why people don’t pray?
  • How can we pray without ceasing? (I Thes. 5 Vs 16, 17)


  • Read I John 5 vs. 14, 15; Heb 12 vs.14, Luke 1 verse 14, Mat 6 verse 14, 15, James 5 Vs 15-16
  • State hindrances to prayer?
  • What is the place of importunity in prayer?

i           A man can preach yet go to hell, he cannot pray and go to hell.  (LK 18 Vs 9-14)

ii          Prayer borne out of fear is time wasting

iii         Religious prayer is borne out of pride

iv         You cannot do in the physical that which you have not done in the spirit.

v          The greater your faith the less prayer needed.

vi         Without fasting prayer cannot work

vii        You don’t need to fast at all in prayer

viii       You need prayers to claim God’s promises

ix         You need prayers to tap your covenant rights

xi         After prayers we should fold our hands (Jas 2 verse 17, 20)

xii        Some people are called to pray

  2. Form the habit of being prayerful while doing things, e.g., in the bathroom, a bus, market e.t.c.  You can commune with God anywhere.
  3. Discipline makes a disciple.  Be disciplined with food and sleep.  No great man or woman can abuse discipline to become great.
  4. Don’t wait till you have to groan before you pray.
  5. If you honour God with your presence, He will reciprocate it openly.
  6. We need to practice going into seclusion or closet to pray like Christ.


  • Read Ps. 130 verse 5, 6; Mat. 24 verse 42; 26 verse 38, 40, 41; Mk. 13 verse 33, 37; Mk 14 verse 34, 38; Col. 4 verse 2; I Cor. 16 Vs 13; II Tim. 4 Vs 5; I Pet. 4 Vs 7; I Thes. 5 verse 6
  • Why is it important to be watchful?
  • Between prayer and watchfulness, which one is more important?
  • Describe a prayerful but watchless Christians?


Prayer is the art of joining forces with God to redeem a helpless situation.  Prayer is more than spiritual warfare.  It is a dialogue and relationship with God.  It is also hard work.  Prayer, according to Ps. 84 verse 2 subdues even the flesh and the soul to yawn for God.  You can be great in life, if you dare to pray.


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