October 18, 2023


The cardinal doctrines are those Bible truths a person must accept and practice before he can enter the kingdom of God. This is a litmus test for every true church of God. Depending on maturity and spirituality growth, there usually is a variation in the understanding of Bible truths, however, the cardinal doctrines are so vital that you cannot be a genuine Christian without the practice of them.

These doctrines form the core of a Christian’s lifestyle and relevance both to God and his fellowman. The doctrines can be divided into faith, love, forgiveness and holiness.

  1. FAITH

Under the elementary principles of Christ we have treated faith in all its forms. But faith is more than principles, it is a law and so vital that it is impossible to please God without it (Heb.11 Vs 6). The Christian life begins with faith and ends with faith, and there is no level we can reach on earth where we would no longer need faith.

However, we are here dealing with the placement and practice of faith in the following areas: sanctity of the Bible, Sonship (to God) and Lordship of Christ, His birth, death and resurrection and His power to save from sin. (II Pet.1 Vs 20, 21; II Tim.3 Vs 16, 17; Col.1 Vs 13-22; John 1 Vs 1-5; 3 Vs 16; I John 4 Vs 1-3; II John 7)

  1. LOVE
  • Compare I Cor. 13 with Gal.5 Vs 22?
  • Read the following: John 13 Vs 35; 15 Vs 12; Eph. 3 Vs 19, I Thes.1 Vs 3; Heb.10 Vs 24; I Pet.2 Vs 17; Rom.13 Vs 18; I John 4 Vs 7-21; John 3 Vs 16; Matt.22 Vs 37-40, Luke 12 Vs 30, 31
  • State the similarities between love and deception?
  • What differentiate true love from deception?
  • Is it possible for someone to be loving but not holy?
  • What name can you call love without holiness?
  • Is it possible to be holy and not loving?
  • How do we identify true love?
  • In what order should we love God, others, and ourselves?

There are different types of love out of which the Hebrew language has words for three: the God-kind of love, the friendship love and the conjugal love. The God-kind of love, Agape, is loving someone selflessly without a reason and this is the love Christians are admonished to have in every relationship.

However, there is a common measuring rod for all types of true love – Giving – the minimum yardstick for measuring love. Love is not measured in words. There is never love without giving. Our love to God therefore is measured by how much attention, time, money, ambition, and glory we give to Him. There is nothing so big that love cannot give (Eph.5 Vs 25).

A bell is not a bell

till you ring it

A song is not a song

till you sing it

Love is not love

till you give it away.

  • Read Matt.6 Vs 12, 14, 15; Luke 11 Vs 4; Matt.18 Vs 21-35; I Cor.6 Vs 5-8; Ps.130 Vs 4; Matt.5 Vs 22-26; Mark 11 Vs 24-26; Luke 17 Vs 3,4; 23 Vs 34; 6 Vs 37; Acts 23 Vs 1-3;
  • Is there forgiveness without repentance?
  • Can a man commit an unforgivable sin against us?
  • How many types of forgiveness can you deduce?
  • How are you sure you have forgiven the offender?
  • Does forgiveness say we should not be angry?
  • What are the benefits of forgiveness?

Forgiveness is the only virtue that God reciprocates in equal proportion; it is therefore foolhardy to be unforgiving.  Forgiveness is a kind of sacrifice to be offered for living on earth. In heaven there will be no offence.


Holiness simply means being exactly like God in conduct and character. It is a gift obtained by walking closely with God and efforts to achieve it by struggling results in outward righteousness. There are about four types of holiness seen in the Bible namely: the holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ, of John the Baptist, of the Pharisee and of Cornelius

  1. i) The Holiness of Jesus Christ.

This is an inward attribute that translates into physical virtue. This type has nothing to do with dogmas. It makes one spiritual but not religious. This kind of holiness is ordained by God, recognized by demons and envied by man. No one can be holier than Christ, but he was accused of unholy conducts by the Pharisee. This holiness is not afraid of reaching out to sinners because it cannot be contaminated. It is the best (Luke 7 Vs 33-35; Matt.11 Vs 18,19; Luke 7 Vs 37-39)

  1. ii) The Holiness of John the Baptist (Mk.1 Vs 6; Matt. 3 Vs 1-4; 11 Vs 1-6).

This is also a true holiness but colored in some human flavor and paraphernalia. This type may affect one’s intonations, mode of dress, type of food, reduce quality of life and makes one highly religious. There is a usual way to do everything. This type over-emphasizes on modalities rather than the real issue. This is good for people who cannot manage freedom but it is not the best.

iii)        The Holiness of the Pharisee.

This is fake. It is all religious but no spirituality. It is borne out of pride and a mere pretence. This type seeks forgiveness from sin but never deliverance from it. It does not condemn sin. This is dangerously deceptive. (Mk.12 Vs 38-40; Matt. 23 Vs 13-33). Without holiness, no one will see God (Heb.12 Vs 14). It is the fear of the Lord that keeps man from sin and thus perfects holiness (II Cor.7 Vs 1)

  1. iv) The Holiness of Cornelius. (Acts 10 Vs 1-8; 44-48)

This type of holiness is a sincere struggle to please God by works. It is not borne out of pride nor over bloated book-knowledge but by fear. God always brings home folks who are lost but are reverently looking for Him. This type is never satisfactory to God until Christ is accepted as Lord and savior.

CONCLUSION:        Are you a Christian? These principal doctrines will reveal the answer.


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